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Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Rubiks Cube SLOW Step By Step Solution How To Video

This video is a Rubiks Cube SLOW Step By Step Solution How To Video

I recommend you watch the video from start to end, at least once, before starting to manipulate your own cube.

The cube I used is a special high speed Rubik's Cube, if you need one please purchase using this link, doing so will give me a few cents in commission, but will cost you nothing.

Note: Your Rubik's Cube colours and positions will be different to the one I used as there are most likely Billions of combinations, but the pattern moving solutions and algorithms should work with your Cube once you have practised and understood the moves.  This video is deliberately SLOW so watchers can copy the move and solve their CUBE in near real time just watching and pausing and doing.

The Rubik's Cube Is A Great Way For People Of All Ages To Keep The Hands, Eyes And Minds Active. Solving the Rubik's Cube takes a certain degree of mental agility and 3D Dexterity plus a high level of concentration and memory, in the use of complex algorithms. But most of all its great fun. As I've gotten older my hands fingers have become stiff and several arthritic, manipulating the Rubik's Cube helps my fingers and joints warm up and reduces joint freezing and stiffness.  The mental concentration required to solves the cube of help as your though processes and hand to eye co-ordination reduce with age.  As a diabetic I have discovered another side effect, it is totally impossible for me to complete the Rubik's Cube with a low blood sugar, so the Cube can indicate when blood sugar levels giving the diabetic a hint to eat when no blood glucose testing equipment is to hand. I plan to look into this further.

Its also a good BREXIT-anaesthetic

Malcolm aka #fixed1t

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